Wednesday, January 6, 2010

ReInventing Fatty Diet: Many Ways To Tie A Rope

As I've mentioned before there are two keys to an effective diet. Water and fiber keep your body happy while you gently starve it of calories. Fiber can come in so many forms: veggies, breads, cereals. You should be taking from all of these sources throughout your day but it is good to have a built in fiber crutch that doesn't require any thought or preparation. For me that crutch is Fiber One cereal. I'd like to show you a few ways you can add this awesome weapon to your dietary toolbox.

First and update: A week into the diet I weighted in at 240 lbs this morning. That's down 5 from my starting point. I'm actually quite happy with that because I have not had good track to run on this week including New Years and all. My saving grace yesterday after a lot of grazing was I had a bowl of Fiber One mixed with Rice Crispies for dinner. I even succumbed to a keilbasa sandwich at midnight with a beer, so you can imagine that I didn't expect to see a loss.

The key to fiber is that it makes you feel full all day. Eaten with a lot of liquid it expands like an overloaded sponge inside of you. Your gut feels guilty from the excess and you are likely to feel like you overate. Meanwhile that fiber is just sliding through you like a long piece of thick rope. As it pulls through it tears garbage from your colon walls that could have developed into polyps, colitis or cancer. This is a way to loss weight and really decrease your risk of disease at the same time.

Here are some different ways to incorporate "Rope" into your menu:

- RopeBurgers. Crush the Fiber One up just a little bit and mix one cup with a pound of ground turkey. Add an egg and a strong dose of your favorite steak sauce to flavor. Make into burgers and cook just like a regular burger but don't go rare at all... think about the turkey. Eat as many as you like but watch the buns. Served over lettuce with balsamic vinegar, you can eat until your pants burst.

- Rope Sundae. Stir a half cup of rope into a cup of your favorite yogurt, I love the boston creme pie. You might have a tough time finishing this it's so filling and so good.

- Rope Cookies. This isn't low calorie but sometimes you want a cookie and this one is WAYYY better than anything off the shelf. Start with a box of white cake mix, blend in a whole stick of butter/margerine, one egg and two tablespoons of water. Now blend in a cup of finely crushed rope and as many chocolate chips as you wish. Make and bake cookies for about 10 minutes. Not low calorie but feel free to experiment with sugarfree cake mix and low fat margerine.

- Tuna Rope Salad. The name says it all. Take salad, add tuna, sprinkle on rope. Viola! Use whatever dressing you like best but it's great with just balsamic vineger.

- Rope Float. How do you make a dead nun float? Take two scoops of dead nun and add root beer. Same principle. Diet pop actually goes really well with cereals. Try a dash of orange soda with your milk.

If some of this sounds gross, that's great. Play with your food. You won't lose weight if you can't live with the menu so make it your own... and don't forget the Rope.

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